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DR. LEE, Yeon joo
Planetary Atmospheres Group, IBS
Yeon Joo Lee is the chief investigator of the Planetary Atmospheres Group, IBS. Yeon Joo studied atmospheric sciences for her B.S. and M.Sc. She started her research on the atmosphere of Venus during her Ph.D. project at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Germany. She has been involved in several space missions, such as the European Space Agency(ESA)'s Venus Express, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency(JAXA)'s Akatsuki, ESA-JAXA's BepiColombo, and ESA's future Venus orbiter EnVision. She came to Korea to set up PAG at IBS.
SOLBAT: the solid-state lithium metal-anode battery project within The Faraday Institution
University of Oxford, Department of Materials
Prof. Mauro Pasta (FRSC) is Professor of Applied Electrochemistry in the Department of Materials at the University of Oxford. He currently serves as the Principal Investigator of the SOLBAT (solid-state batteries) project as part of The Faraday Institution. His research interests encompass electrochemistry and materials chemistry, with a primary focus on developing innovative materials for electrochemical energy storage. With expertise in battery chemistries beyond Li-ion, he has published 95 papers, with an h-index of 44 and over 15000 citations. Additionally, he holds 18 patents and patent applications. As a co-founder of three battery startup companies, Natron Energy, Cuberg and Project K, Prof. Pasta is dedicated to translating his research into real-world solutions.
The Anthropocene is real despite news to the contrary!
University of Leicester, UK
Prof. Colin N. Waters is a retired principal mapping geologist, formerly of the British Geological Survey (between 1988 and 2017), with specific interests in Carboniferous and Anthropocene stratigraphy. He has been Honorary Professor at the Geography, Geology and the Environment School, University of Leicester since 2016, and in 2019 was Visiting Professor at the University of Vienna. He has been Secretary of the Anthropocene Working Group (of the ICS Quaternary Subcommission) from 2011 and its Chair since 2020, and has been Secretary of the Stratigraphy Commission of the Geological Society of London since 2006. He has 165 peer-reviewed publications, with in excess of 12000 citations. He received a degree in Geology and Mineralogy from Oxford University in 1984 and completed a PhD at University College, Cardiff in 1988.
Visual Intelligence/UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Robert Jenssen is Director of Visual Intelligence, a Norwegian Centre for research-based innovation funded by the Research Council of Norway and consortium partners. Visual Intelligence solves research challenges in deep learning to advance image analysis. Jenssen is professor and founder of the Machine Learning Group at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. He is in addition a part time professor at the Pioneer AI Centre, University of Copenhagen, and an adjunct professor at the Norwegian Computing Center, Oslo, Norway. Jenssen received his Dr. Scient (PhD) in 2005 from UiT. He has had long-term research stays at the University of Florida, at the Technical University of Denmark, and at the Technical University of Berlin. Jenssen’s research interests are in neural networks, graph and kernel-based learning, and in health and industrial applications of machine learning. Jenssen has been on the IEEE MLSP TC and on the Governing Board of IAPR. He is an editor for the journal Pattern Recognition and a member of the ELLIS Cph unit. Jenssen is general chair of the annual Northern Lights Deep Learning Conference - NLDL.
PROF. CHOI, Insung s.
Department of Chemistry, KAIST
Prof. Choi, a PhD in Chemistry and MS in Computer Science, is a chemistry-centered naturalist, utilizing chemical, biological, and computational tools for deciphering the cytosociety. After earning his BS degree with summa cum laude from SNU, he obtained his MS degree (with Prof. Eun Lee) at SNU and his PhD degree (with Prof. George M. Whitesides) at Harvard. He then conducted postdoctoral research (with Prof. Robert Langer) at MIT, before joining the faculty at KAIST in 2002. He has been a director of the Center for Cell-Encapsulation Research (Creative Initiative) since 2012.
Integrated interdisciplinary engineering efforts towards realisation of a fusion power plant
PROF. YOU, Jeong-ha
Max Planck Institute For Plasma Physics
Prof. Jeong-Ha You joined Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Garching) in 1999 after his postdoc training at FZ Jülich and RWTH Aachen. Since 2014, Dr. You has been leading the European R&D activities of conceptual design and key technologies for the Divertor and Limiter PFCs of the European demonstration fusion reactor (EU-DEMO) in the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium. In his project team, roughly 60 experts from 9 European national laboratories, 11 university groups and a number of industry partners are involved (cumulative budget: ~39 M€). He is teaching as adjunct professor at the physics department of Ulm University since his habilitation in physics. He also serves as chair of the design review panel for the Chinese BEST tokamak and editorial board member of Nucl. Mater. Ener. Prof. You was educated at SNU (metallurgy) and RWTH Aachen (mechanical engineering). He published roughly 200 papers in international journals.
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Bridging Gaps, Building Futures: The Journey Towards Gender Diversity in Korea's Science and Technology
PROF. KWON, Oh nam
Seoul National University
Oh Nam Kwon, a Professor of Mathematics Education at Seoul National University, has made significant contributions to the field both nationally and internationally. With a PhD in Mathematics from Indiana University, Kwon has been a pioneering force in adopting inquiry-based teaching methods in Korea. Her achievements include receiving the Svend Pedersen Lecture Award, being the first Asianaqq, and serving on the editorial boards of top-tier journals in mathematics education. Kwon has dedicated her career to enhancing math education in Korea, evidenced by her leadership roles in key academic societies and as the organizing chair for the 9th East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education in 2025. Her work emphasizes the importance of inquiry-oriented approaches and divergent thinking in mathematics, significantly impacting education practices and research globally.
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The Light and Shadow of Science Communication in Korea - Based on 20 years of Practice-
PROF. CHO, Sook-kyoung
Korea Institute of Energy Technology (KENTECH)
Prof. CHO Sook-Kyoung had Ph.D. in History & Philosophy of Science with a thesis titled “The Special Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus, 1876: The Beginning of the Science Museum of London and the Popularization of Physical Science” from Seoul National University (SNU) in 2001. Before that, she studied at the Dept. of History & Philosophy of Science and Mathematics, King’s College London (KCL) for MA and at the Dept. of Physics Education, SNU for B.Sc. Prior to joining KENTECH in 2021, she had worked at the government-funded agencies such as Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity (KOFAC) and Gwangju National Science Museum for 20 years. There, she executed a number of science communication and science education programmes either at national level or provincial level. Among them, the “Space-sharing Project” with Joong-ang Ilbo newspaper and a special exhibition “2030 Future Cities” with three national science museums for the first time in Korea were the most representative ones. Since 2002, she served as a Scientific Committee member for Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST) Network - a global network for science communication. And she hosted the 9th International Conference for PCST in Seoul for the first time in Asia. This event enhanced the importance of science communication and the issue of “Science and Society” for the Asian countries such as Japan, China and Indonesia. From 2023, she has been serving as the president of PCST Network, the first time as an Asian. Now, she is trying to set up the PCST Korean Society and to enhance the public awareness of science and energy science. She published more than 10 books and translations. “12 Big Questions raised by Science (클래스가 남다른 과학고전)” is the most recent book, which introduce 12 science classics written by scientists, historian & philosophers of scientists. She also translated a well-known BBC book of “Man Masters Nature” and co-translated a book of “The Patterns of Discovery”.