Special Topics

This division aims to share the experiences of early-career Korean and European researchers across different career stages, nationalities, and cultural backgrounds. We will explore how these experiences were beneficial during various stages of their career development. By comparing these experiences across countries, we hope to gain insights into personal, social, political, and structural factors that influence career progression. Our goal is to utilise a life-cycle or growth stage perspective to benchmark and compare the differences and commonalities between European and Korean policy and institutional support for early-career researchers. This exercise can help us identify best practices and inform strategies for future support systems.

Programme Committee

DR. KIM, Youngchan (김영찬)
University of Surrey
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Date / Time 2024-07-30 09:00   --   10:40
Room OC1.01
Conveners / Chairs
DR. LEE, Seung-hun

Seoul National University

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It takes more than just scientists to change tomorrow together. Even the impact factor, a key metric in modern science, only takes into account the number of citations in journals read by 0.1% of scientists, not the impact on the 99.9% of the public. Unlike in the past, when only a few people had access to higher education and therefore fewer people could understand science, today, anyone with an interest can contribute scientific insights to their field. We need to focus on science communication to improve efficiency in various fields and to secure a pool of talented people in science to contribute to the development of science. In this session, we will discuss all aspects of science communication, from an overview of science communication to examples of science cases in practice and policies related to science communication. In addition to in-depth research, we will discuss how we can engage more people in science by talking about science in everyday life.
  • DR. LEE, Seung-hun (Seoul National University) [ 09:00 - 09:10 ]
    Title: The Age of Science Capital - Introducing the UK's Science Capital over Coffee
  • PROF. CHO, Sook-kyoung (Korea Institute of Energy Technology (KENTECH)) [ 09:10 - 09:35 ]
    Title: The Light and Shadow of Science Communication in Korea
  • DR. KIM, Minjae (University Of Warwick) [ 09:35 - 09:55 ]
    Title: Importance of scientific communication in impactful scientific articles
  • PROF. SONG, Jinwoong (Seoul National University) [ 09:55 - 10:15 ]
    Title: Scientific Participation & Action: A Case of
  • Roundtable Discussion [ 10:15 - 10:40 ]
Date / Time 2024-07-30 11:00   --   12:40
Room OC1.01
Conveners / Chairs
DR. KIM, Hyong-ha

Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science

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This special session series is organized by the European Research Council (ERC) National Contact Point and Human Frontier Science Program National Coordinator/Board Member of Korea, aiming to introduce funding and career opportunities provided by the EU, the International Organization Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP), and the UK Medical Research Council to Korean researchers based in Europe and Korea as well. Part 1: Europe-, US- and Korea-based Korean ERC grantees, MSCA fellows & HFSP awardees will present their application experience and share know-hows of success. They will share their efforts, trials, failures & successes in getting grants, in addition to how the grants helped them to establish their research career in Europe & Korea, in hopes of giving insight to fellow researchers. They will be available to answer questions from the audience.
  • DR. KIM, Hyong-ha (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS)) [ 11:00 - 11:05 ]
    Title: Frontier Research & Career Opportunities through EU, UK & International Grants: Testimonials & Experience-sharing by Korean Grantees & Fellows
  • DR. CHOI, Hansol (Harvard Medical School & Boston Children’s Hospital (HFSP Fellow)) [ 11:05 - 11:20 ]
    Title: My journey to HFSP postdoctoral fellowship & embracing the opportunities
  • DR. KIM, Teun-teun (University of Ulsan (Former MSCA Fellow)) [ 11:20 - 11:35 ]
    Title: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship - Experience and Know-hows
  • DR. KWON, Woojin (UNIST & Univ. of Milan (Current ERC Grantee & Former MSCA Fellow)) [ 11:35 - 11:55 ]
    Title: My experience as an ERC & MSCA winner
  • DR. KIM, Minchul (IGBMC, Strasbourg, France (ERC Grantee, 2021 Starting Grant)) [ 11:55 - 12:10 ]
    Title: My journey to ERC Starting Grant
  • DR. IM, Hyungsoon (Harvard Medical School (Former HFSP Grantee)) [ 12:10 - 12:25 ]
    Title: Fostering interdisciplinary international collaboration through HFSP
  • Q&A [ 12:25 - 12:40 ]
Date / Time 2024-07-30 16:20   --   18:00
Room OC1.01
Conveners / Chairs
DR. KIM, Hyong-ha

Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science

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This special session series is organized by the European Research Council (ERC) National Contact Point and Human Frontier Science Program National Coordinator/Board Member of Korea, aiming to introduce funding and career opportunities provided by the EU, the International Organization Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP), and the UK Medical Research Council to Korean researchers based in Europe and Korea as well. The speakers include the EC DG Research & Innovation Deputy Director-General Ms. Sign Ratso, Dr. Guntram Bauer, CSO of HFSP, Dr. Mark Palmer, Director of International Relations of Medical Research Council, UKRI, and officers from EC DGEAC and ERCEA to introduce each organization’s funding and address the audiences’ questions. Title: Introducing Grant & Fellowship opportunities funded by EU & International Organization HFSP Various funding schemes such as Horizon Europe, ERC grants, Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions (MSCA), International Organization Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP), and UK MRC will be presented by appropriate experts from the EC DGRI (Directorate-General for Research & Innovation for Thematic projects of Horizon Europe), EC DGEAC (Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, for MSCA), ERC, HFSP, and UK MRC. These funding tracks, recent trends, along with data of Korean researchers’ participation will be introduced. - EU Horizon Europe funding opportunities - MSCA grant & fellowship opportunities - ERC grant opportunities - Human Frontier Science Program Grant and Fellowship opportunities - UK MRC UK-Korea funding opportunities
  • MS. RATSO, Signe (European Commission, Directorate-General Research & Innovation) [ 16:00 - 16:00 ]
    Title: *Note time: 14:00~16:00 (Opening Ceremony Plenary Talk) EU Horizon Europe: New Research Opportunities under EU Horizon Europe Association
  • DR. KIM, Hyong-ha (KRISS) [ 16:20 - 16:25 ]
    Title: Frontier Research Opportunities through EU & International Grants & Fellowships: Horizon Europe, ERC, MSCA, HFSP and UK-MRC
  • DR. LAFORTUNE, Anouk (EU DGEAC (Directorate-General Education, Youth, Sport & Culture)) [ 16:25 - 16:45 ]
    Title: Talent mobility, training and career development of researchers under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
  • DR. VAZQUEZ MOLINA, Joan (ERCEA (European Research Council Executive Agency)) [ 16:45 - 17:05 ]
    Title: ERC Grants
  • DR. BAUER, Guntram (HFSPO (Human Frontier Science Program Organization)) [ 17:05 - 17:25 ]
    Title: HFSP support for international research collaboration in the life sciences
  • DR. PALMER, Mark (UKRI Medical Research Council) [ 17:25 - 17:45 ]
    Title: Bilateral research collaboration between UK and Korea
  • Q&A and Closing of Session [ 17:45 - 18:00 ]
Date / Time 2024-07-30 09:00   --   10:40
Room OC0.03
Conveners / Chairs
PROF. CHOI, Youngseok Thomas

Kingston University, UK

Show Profile
DR. HONG, Hee Jeon

Oxford Brookes University, UK

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This special session explores the critical role of international collaboration in driving advancements at the forefront of science and technology. Focusing particularly on partnerships between South Korea and European countries, we will discuss on how researchers with diverse expertise and perspectives can fuel innovation and achieve breakthroughs beyond the reach of individual nations. The session will showcase successful examples of international research collaborations, while also discussing the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in fostering even greater scientific progress through global partnerships. This session will delve into strategies for overcoming these challenges and optimising the potential of international collaborations in frontier research.
  • MS. BAIK, Minjung (National Research Foundation of Korea) [ 09:00 - 09:15 ]
    Title: Opening New Horizons: Enhancing Korea-EU Research Collaboration through Horizon Europe
  • MS. BEVAN, Natasha (The Royal Society, UK) [ 09:15 - 09:30 ]
    Title: Enhancing International Collaboration: Principles and Approaches to Supporting Equitable Research Partnerships
  • DR. LEE, Jeongwon (Korea-Europe Quantum Science Technology Cooperation Center, Belgium) [ 09:30 - 09:45 ]
    Title: The Importance of International Cooperation and Korea's Policy Efforts to Preempt the Quantum Economy
  • PROF. LEE, Habin (Brunel Business School, Brunel University London, UK) [ 09:45 - 10:00 ]
    Title: Coordinating an International Research Consortium: Experiences from EU Research Funding Programmes
  • Panel discussion with four speakers and Q&A [ 10:00 - 10:40 ]
Date / Time 2024-07-30 16:20   --   18:20
Room OC1.04
Conveners / Chairs
DR. MIN, Byungjoo

President of the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT)

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The 10th K-TAG Europe General Meeting is a closed session, and only current members of K-TAG Europe are invited to attend. K-TAG Europe’s 10th Annual General Meeting will be an opportunity to celebrate what we have achieved, highlighting the progress and key successes of K-TAG Europe. This year’s General Meeting will also be an opportunity to look ahead to the next ten years, as a new plan to expand and strengthen K-TAG Europe's activities will be presented and shared with its members. About K-TAG Europe: Korea-Technology Advisory Group (K-TAG) Europe, launched by the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) and the Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy (MOTIE) in July 2014, consists of Korean engineering and scientific experts in Europe. The main activities are (1) to help Korean small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) find innovative European partners, (2) to provide advice as well as information relating to R&D cooperation between Korea and Europe, (3) to develop and participate in joint R&D projects between Korea and Europe.
  • DR. MIN, Byungjoo (President of the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT)) [ 16:20 - 16:25 ]
    Title: Opening remarks
  • DR. LEE, Sangmok (President of the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH)) [ 16:25 - 16:30 ]
    Title: Congratulatory remarks
  • DR. HAN, Manwook (President of KOSEAA) [ 16:30 - 16:40 ]
    Title: A look back at 10 years of K-TAG Europe
  • MR. JUN, Yooduk (Head of the International Cooperation Center, KIAT) [ 16:40 - 16:55 ]
    Title: K-TAG Europe, another step forward
  • Photo session [ 16:55 - 17:00 ]
  • DR. SHIN, Yun Sup (KSSEA) [ 17:00 - 17:15 ]
    Title: Presentation of K-TAG Europe activities
  • MR. HAN, Taeyoung (Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS) [ 17:15 - 17:30 ]
    Title: Presentation of K-TAG Europe activities
  • DR. AHN, Hyungwoong (University of Edinburgh) [ 17:30 - 17:45 ]
    Title: Presentation of K-TAG Europe activities
  • DR. LEE, Seung Seo (University of Southampton) [ 17:45 - 18:00 ]
    Title: Presentation of K-TAG Europe activities
  • Panel Discussion (Panelists: DR. HAN Taeyoung, DR. PARK Migeun, DR.MOK Hun, DR.BAE Dowon) [ 18:00 - 18:25 ]
  • Wrap-up [ 18:25 - 18:30 ]
Date / Time 2024-07-30 16:20   --   18:00
Room OC0.04
Conveners / Chairs
POSTECH, a leading institution in science and engineering, known for its academic excellence and research prowess, has consistently pioneered new paths in research and education over the years. Now in its 38th year since founding and building upon past successes, POSTECH casts an ambitious strategic vision to transform itself into a true world-class instiution that can leave a resounding impact for generations to come. The session first will highlight POSTECH’s initiatives to enhance all areas of the institution across the board under the strategic vision of POSTECH 2.0. The school’s recruitment efforts and investment to attract world’s top researchers and talent will also be discussed. Please join us for this open forum for a thoughtful conversation.
  • DR. KIM, Seong Keun (POSTECH) [ 16:20 - 16:20 ]
    Title: Transforming Tomorrow: The Vision and Strategy of POSTECH 2.0
  • PROF. LEE, Jong Bong (POSTECH) [ 17:00 - 17:00 ]
    Title: Flourishing at POSTECH: A Great Place to Work and Grow
Date / Time 2024-07-30 11:00   --   12:40
Room OC1.09
Conveners / Chairs
DR. JUNG, Kangsoo

Inria (National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology) Paris-Saclay hosted by École Polytechnique

Show Profile
MS. PARK, Mindy

Global Development Institute

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Background – ‘Leaving No One Behind’ is an important imperative of the United Nations (UN) for inclusive development. This well-known tagline also serves as a core principle behind the UN’s global development agenda that calls for concerted efforts to tackle a host of global social, economic, and environmental challenges that we face today. This global mandate is no exception to science and technology: what it speaks to our scientific community is the need for more inclusive technologies whose affordances are appropriate for everyone who uses them. Widely known as ‘appropriate technology’, there are numerous ways in which science, technology and innovation (STI) embrace social value and make contributions to inclusive development, for example, by: “enhancing productivity and inducing a dynamic transformation of the economy; increasing growth rates and the number of decent jobs while reducing fossil-based energy consumption; developing essential drugs and improving health/medical care; achieving food security through innovative agricultural methods and raising agricultural productivity; reducing the drudgery and improving the safety of housework; increasing the safety of reproduction” (UN CDP). Appropriate use of science, technology, and innovation can provide solutions and evidence for inclusive development, which in turn makes our scientific knowledge and innovation more impactful. Purpose – Against this backdrop, this special session taps into global examples of appropriate STI that make positive contributions to inclusive development and welcomes all scientists and engineers in action. It brings together leading scientists and engineers so they can be more attentive to the impacts their scientific knowledge can bring to our (global) society. Composed of both informative presentations and interactive activities, the session is designed to achieve this goal through knowledge sharing and collaborative work amongst participants with diverse backgrounds. Significance – By definition, the fundamental goal of appropriate technology is to make room for our future generations. This motivates us to reduce negative impacts and promote positive impacts on our global community in the practice of science and engineering. Reciprocally, harnessing the full potential of STI is an indispensable step forward for realising inclusive development. As local and global partnerships are of paramount importance in making our societies more inclusive, the session provides an interactive platform that boosts agency and collaboration across scientists, engineers, academics, practitioners, policymakers and many more for a better future.
  • MR. MIN, Noah (Gongsaeng, Inc.) [ 11:00 - 11:20 ]
    Title: Making Impact of Maker Living Lab Project for the socially disadvantaged.
  • MS. YANG, Ji Hye (University of Manchester) [ 11:20 - 11:40 ]
    Title: Enhancement of National Traffic Database and Capacity Building Project in Sri Lanka
  • MS. LEE, Seung-hyun (University Of Manchester) [ 11:40 - 12:00 ]
    Title: Unlocking Dynamics of Interdisciplinarity: Identifying Characteristics of Research Disciplines Using the Case of Korean Public Research Institutes
  • DR. KIM, Byoung Yoon (Iter Organization) [ 12:00 - 12:40 ]
    Title: Inclusive Development through Appropriate Technologies: I-DREAM case
Date / Time 2024-07-30 18:30   --   19:00
Room OC1.06
Conveners / Chairs
DR. HWANG, Chulmin

Pohang TechnoPark

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DR. LEE, Yongwon

Lloyd's Register

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Contents: MOU Ceremony between Pohang City/TechnoPark and Lloyd’s Register Discussion on R&D Collaborations The special session will feature a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signing ceremony between Pohang City/TechnoPark and Lloyd’s Register. This event will mark the formalisation of their agreement to foster joint research and development initiatives. The session will also include discussions on the significance and strategies of R&D collaborations, emphasising the enhancement of technological innovation and the strengthening of partnerships between the two entities.
Date / Time 2024-07-31 09:00   --   10:40
Room OC0.01
Conveners / Chairs
DR. LEE, Taisik

President of the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Scientists (KOFST)

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A young generation and young professional alumni forum typically serves as a platform for recent graduates and early-career professionals to connect, share experiences, and network with peers and established professionals in their field. Purpose and Objectives: - Networking: Facilitate connections between young alumni and professionals to build a supportive community. - Professional Development: Provide opportunities for career guidance, skill development, and knowledge sharing. - Mentorship: Pair young professionals with experienced mentors to foster professional growth. - Alumni Engagement: Strengthen the relationship between recent graduates and their alma mater. - Career Opportunities: Highlight job openings, internships, and career advancement opportunities.
Date / Time 2024-07-31 11:00   --   12:40
Room OC0.01
Conveners / Chairs
DR. KIM, Soosam

Korean Federation of Science and Technology Scientists (KOFST)

S&T Leaders Forum on International Research Collaboration: Challenges and Opportunities typically gathers experts, researchers, policymakers, and industry leaders to discuss the current landscape, challenges, and future opportunities in international research collaborations. Purpose and Objectives: - Highlighting Opportunities: Showcase the benefits and potential of international collaborations in advancing science and technology. - Identifying Challenges: Discuss the obstacles and barriers that hinder effective international research partnerships. - Policy and Strategy Development: Formulate strategies and policies to foster and enhance international collaboration. - Networking and Partnership Building: Facilitate networking among researchers, institutions, and industries from different countries. - Best Practices and Success Stories: Share successful case studies and best practices in international research collaborations.
Date / Time 2024-07-31 16:20   --   18:00
Room OC1.02
Conveners / Chairs
The EU has been implementing European Framework Programs for Research and Innovation (FPs) implemented since 1984. The FPs serve as the EU’s main funding instrument for R&I, integrating the functions such as R&D project selection and evaluation, call management, and supplying of research funding into a single structure to avoid investment overlaps among member states and foster innovation within the European R&D landscape. Horizon Europe is the EU’s 9th multiannual framework program for research and innovation which run from 2021 to 2027. Korea will participate as Associated Country in only Pillar II of Horizon Europe, which conducts joint research to tackle global challenges and strengthen industrial competitiveness. Korea’s financial contribution as an Associated Country will be used to directly fund Korean researchers through Horizon Europe. Following the country’s association to Horizon Europe, it requires to explore the policy direction with a new lens of S&T cooperation for facilitating the participation of Korean researchers in Horizon Europe. The interactive session aims at building knowledge of participants, and to strengthen establishing an international platform around STI policy that will grow beyond the session. 16:20-16:25 • Opening Remark: ooo, President, Science Technology Policy Institute (STEPI) 16:25-16:55 (30 min presentation, 10 min each) • 1. Comparison of Domestic and International Support Systems for Promoting Participation in Horizon Europe within the CET field, Dr. Myong Hwa Lee, Research Fellow, Office of Science and Technology Diplomacy & Security Research, STEPI. • 2. National strategic technology in the emerging security era and seeking directions of Korea-Europe cooperation: Focusing on the public sector, Dr. Kyungmo Sung, Head, Office of Science and Technology Diplomacy & Security Research, STEPI. • 3. Entering strategy for the European R&D funding landscape, Dr. Migeun Park, Director, Campsie Initiatives. 16:55-17:00 Break 17:00-17:50 Panel Discussion (50 min) • Moderator: Dr. Jong Hwa Choe, Chief Director, Dept. of Strategic Planning & Management, STEPI • Panelists 1: Dr. Wonsun Park, Associate Professor, Pusan National University • Panelists 2: Dr. Woohyun Cho, Director, Korea EU Research Center (KERC) • Panelists 3: Dr. Cheonin Oh, Principal Researcher, ETRI • Panelists 4: Dr. Yongrae Cho, Research Fellow, STEPI
Date / Time 2024-07-31 16:20   --   18:00
Room OC1.06
Conveners / Chairs
DR. HWANG, Chulmin

Pohang TechnoPark

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DR. JEONG, Byongug

University of Strathclyde

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Contents: MOU Ceremony between TechnoPark and EKMOA – 30 mins Discussion on Technology Strategy and Collaborations – 70 mins In the face of the growing imperative to address climate change, the maritime industry is at a critical juncture where technological innovation and international collaboration are essential. This round table meeting aims to foster a comprehensive dialogue on the R&D strategies and collaborative efforts between Korea and Europe in the field of maritime decarbonisation. The session will bring together industry leaders, policymakers, and researchers to discuss pathways to achieving a sustainable maritime future. The meeting will commence with an overview of the current state of maritime decarbonisation efforts in both Korea and Europe, highlighting key policies, technological advancements, and funding strategic initiatives. Participants will examine successful collaboration examples and future roadmaps. The meeting will provide a platform for identifying opportunities for deeper collaboration between Korean and European stakeholders. Participants will explore mechanisms for knowledge exchange, joint funding initiatives, and the establishment of research and development consortia. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of public-private partnerships in accelerating the deployment of decarbonisation technologies and overcoming financial and technical barriers. By the conclusion of the round table, it is anticipated that attendees will have developed a clearer understanding of the synergies and challenges in Korea-Europe maritime decarbonisation efforts. The outcomes will inform future collaborative projects and contribute to the global endeavour of achieving a zero-emissions maritime industry.
Date / Time 2024-07-31 16:20   --   18:00
Room OC0.01
Conveners / Chairs
DR. CHOI, Jung Han

Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz Institute, Berlin, Germany

Show Profile
MR. BAE, Gun Yeul

Chief Officer of Global Innovation Office, Korea Institute of Industrial of Technology (KITECH), Korea

This special session is organized by Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT), Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH), and Korea-Fraunhofer Collaboration Hub for Science and Technology (K-FAST). It aims to share the perspectives of international R&D collaborations with Korean companies. Recently, it was decided that the KIAT founds a global industrial technology cooperation center with a Fraunhofer Institute consortium in Germany. Its name is Korea-Fraunhofer Collaboration Hub for Science and Technology, K-FAST. The purpose of the K-FAST is to establish a sustainable R&D cooperation between Korean companies and the world's leading R&D institutions, Fraunhofer Institute, and to create excellent research results with high industrial ripple effects. Promoting collaboration demand between Korean companies and relevant institutions, matchmaking, joint R&D project planning, and support for researchers dispatched from Korea are the main roles of the K-FAST. Those activities are to be organized, carried out, and evaluated with the KITECH, National Collaboration Center in Korea. The presenters will share their view about the R&D collaboration with korean companies and suggest plausible R&D strategies, plans, and concrete proposals. All audiences, who have interests on the international R&D programs in the KIAT, are encouraged to join this session and welcomed.
  • DR. MIN, Byungjoo (President of the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT)) [ 16:20 - 16:25 ]
    Title: Session opening remark
  • DR. LEE, Sangmok (President of the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH)) [ 16:25 - 16:30 ]
    Title: Session opening remark
  • PROF. MICHAELIS, Alexander (Institute Director, Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems (IKTS), Dresden, Germany) [ 16:30 - 16:35 ]
    Title: Session opening remark
  • DR. JUN, Yooduk (Executive Director of International Cooperation Center, Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT)) [ 16:35 - 16:50 ]
    Title: Korea-Europe Industrial Technology Cooperation Program
  • DR. HAN, Taeyoung (Korea-Fraunhofer Collaboration Hub for Science and Technology, Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS, Dresden, Germany) [ 16:50 - 16:55 ]
    Title: Activities and Vision of K-FAST (Korea-Fraunhofer Collaboration Hub for Science and Technology)
  • MR. BAE, Gun Yeul (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH)) [ 16:55 - 17:00 ]
    Title: Introduction to KITECH Institute and Collaboration plan with K-FAST
  • DR. JEONG, Da Woon (Korea Institute of Industrial of Technology (KITECH)) [ 17:00 - 17:15 ]
    Title: Development of Eco-Friendly Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) Technology Using Ceramic Membranes
  • DR. PFEFFER, Markus (Head of Pi-Fab Management, Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology (IISB), Erlangen, Germany) [ 17:15 - 17:30 ]
    Title: Research and competence of Fraunhofer IISB along the value chain of wide-band gap semiconductors for power-electronic systems
  • DR. MOON, Chiwon (CFC TeraMate, CEO, Korea) [ 17:30 - 17:40 ]
    Title: Concealing Security Features with Invisible Near-Infrared Luminescent Materials: Joint Efforts of a Prestigious German Institute and a Korean SME
  • PROF. YEO, Jong-souk (Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea) [ 17:40 - 17:50 ]
    Title: Establishing Global Innovation Ecosystem between Korea and Germany from Materials-Components-Equipment to Integrated Systems Technology with Fraunhofer Institutes
  • MR. JANG, Eui-chan (Nanointech, CTO, Korea) [ 17:50 - 18:00 ]
    Title: Digitalization of dry battery electrode (DBE) production for smart battery foundries business
Date / Time 2024-08-01 09:00   --   10:40
Room OC0.04
Conveners / Chairs
DR. WON, Yoo Hyung

Division Director, Cooperation and Planning Division, KIST Europe

Show Profile
South Korea will become an associate member country of Horizon Europe at the beginning of 2025. Consequently, researchers and companies in South Korea will be able to officially coordinate and participate in Horizon Europe projects from that year onwards. Although Korean researchers have previously participated in various Horizon Europe projects, they have not done so as an associate member country. Therefore, learning the expertise required to conduct European projects like Horizon Europe from experienced individuals in European countries is critical. KIST Europe, the overseas branch of the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) located in Germany, offers on-site research facilities and operates its own guest house. This unique setup allows KIST Europe to play a pivotal role in initiating and conducting Horizon Europe projects, bridging Korean and European scientists. We can offer more focus on Climate, Energy, Agriculture and Environment, and Health from clusters in Pillar 2 for Horizon Europe. To successfully secure and carry out Horizon Europe projects, it is essential to establish a strong research network between Korea and Europe. Therefore, we will have four important invited speakers from Europe and Korea to represent key aspects of Horizon Europe. This special session will include presentations and a panel Q&A session, providing invaluable guidance and fostering essential connections. In addition, this special session underscores KIST Europe's crucial role as a bridge, guiding Korean scientists to navigate and succeed in Horizon Europe. By facilitating direct interactions with experienced European project coordinators and researchers, KIST Europe will empower Korean scientists with the knowledge and networks necessary to thrive in this new collaborative landscape. Everyone interested in Horizon Europe is welcome to join this session.
  • MR. CHO, Woo Hyun (Center Leader, Korea-EU Research Center (KERC)) [ 09:00 - 09:25 ]
    Title: TBD
  • MR. WON, Yoo Hyung (KIST Europe) [ 09:25 - 09:50 ]
    Title: The Role of KIST Europe towards Horizon Europe: as a Platform, Coordinator, and Participant
  • PROF. LEE, Ung (Korea Insitute Of Science And Technology) [ 09:50 - 10:15 ]
    Title: Accelerating the net-zero economy with CO2-hydrogenated formic acid production
  • DR. BARTONOVA, Alena (Research Director European research collaboration at NILU) [ 10:15 - 10:40 ]
    Title: Navigating HORIZON EUROPE in a multidisciplinary RTO: an example from NILU, Norway
Date / Time 2024-08-01 09:00   --   10:40
Room OC0.01
Conveners / Chairs
MR. KIM, Taehyung

KEIT, Senior Researcher

KEIT(Korea Planning & Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology), a national funding agency of MOTIE(Korea Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy), is one of the most active and dynamic innovation support organization in Korea, fostering innovation by managing national R&D programs KEIT Global Technology Strategy Forum is intended to promote the participation of Korean-European scientists and engineers in the Korean national R&D projects in the goal of improving R&D productivity and Global Cooperation. KEIT will introduce the recent industrial R&D programs and present about industry road-map and R&DB strategy. In addition, the Korean-European scientists and engineers will present about the global technology and market trends. *This session will be held in Korean. (본 세션은 한국산업기술기획평가원에서 주관하는 세션으로 한국어로 진행 될 예정입니다.)
  • MR. KIM, Ki Cheol (Europe Office Representative, KEIT) [ 09:00 - 09:20 ]
    Title: Introduction of KEIT Industrial Technology Global R&D Program
  • DR. KIM, Keun Jae (RISE, Sweden) [ 09:20 - 09:35 ]
    Title: International Cooperation Case 1: “Case Study: Technology Cooperation between Korea and Sweden –Maritime Sector
  • DR. HAN, Tae Young (Fraunhofer IKTS, Germany) [ 09:35 - 09:50 ]
    Title: International Cooperation Case 2: Vision and Activities | Korea-Germany Global Technology Cooperation Center for Value Chain
  • DR. PARK, Ji Hoon (Medical Device & Healthcare Program Director(PD), KEIT) [ 09:50 - 10:40 ]
    Title: Introduction of KEIT Medical Device & Healthcare R&D Program
  • DR. SIM, Chang Sup (Advanced Manufacturing Equipment Program Director(PD), KEIT) [ 09:50 - 10:40 ]
    Title: Introduction of KEIT Advanced Manufacturing Equipment R&D Program
  • DR. YI, Jeung Doo (Battery Program Director(PD), KEIT) [ 09:50 - 10:40 ]
    Title: Introduction of KEIT Battery R&D Program
  • DR. CHOI, Kyung Ho (KEIT Carbon & Nano Program Director(PD), KEIT) [ 09:50 - 10:40 ]
    Title: Introduction of KEIT Carbon & Nano R&D Program
Date / Time 2024-08-01 11:00   --   12:40
Room OC0.01
Conveners / Chairs
MR. KIM, Brian

CEO of Kim Venturous

Show Profile
We propose the third Korea-EU Technology Cooperation on Carbon Neutrality and Regional Innovation forum in EKC 2024 after the 2nd forum in EKC 2023. Climate change is emerged as a transnational and transregional issue. Many countries, including Korea and Europe, are making all-out efforts to cope with the rapidly changing climate by declaring carbon neutrality after the Paris Climate Agreement. The session will discuss building a sustainable platform for international joint research and effective cooperation between Korean and European researchers in responding to climate change.
  • DR. SON, Minsu (Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology) [ 11:00 - 11:25 ]
    Title: Cooperation Plans with Europe for IPCC Climate Adaptation Integrated Scenario
  • MR. OUHEL, Tomas (Institute Committee in Czech and Slovak Zoo Union.) [ 11:25 - 11:50 ]
    Title: Showcases of Smart Solutions for Biodiversity Conservation in Czech and Indonesia
  • MR. SONG, Jaeryoung (National Institute of Green Technology (NIGT)) [ 11:50 - 12:15 ]
    Title: Korea-Europe cooperation measures for public diplomacy on climate technology Indonesia
  • MR. SEO, Kyung Won (CODA) [ 12:15 - 12:40 ]
    Title: Directions for Promoting Cooperation between Korean and EU’s Climate Tech Startups
Date / Time 2024-08-01 14:00   --   15:40
Room OC0.04
Conveners / Chairs
DR. JUNG, Kangsoo

Inria (National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology) Paris-Saclay hosted by École Polytechnique

Show Profile
MS. PARK, Mindy

Global Development Institute

Show Profile
Background – ‘Leaving No One Behind’ is an important imperative of the United Nations (UN) for inclusive development. This well-known tagline also serves as a core principle behind the UN’s global development agenda that calls for concerted efforts to tackle a host of global social, economic, and environmental challenges that we face today. This global mandate is no exception to science and technology: what it speaks to our scientific community is the need for more inclusive technologies whose affordances are appropriate for everyone who uses them. Widely known as ‘appropriate technology’, there are numerous ways in which science, technology and innovation (STI) embrace social value and make contributions to inclusive development, for example, by: “enhancing productivity and inducing a dynamic transformation of the economy; increasing growth rates and the number of decent jobs while reducing fossil-based energy consumption; developing essential drugs and improving health/medical care; achieving food security through innovative agricultural methods and raising agricultural productivity; reducing the drudgery and improving the safety of housework; increasing the safety of reproduction” (UN CDP). Appropriate use of science, technology, and innovation can provide solutions and evidence for inclusive development, which in turn makes our scientific knowledge and innovation more impactful. Purpose – Against this backdrop, this special session taps into global examples of appropriate STI that make positive contributions to inclusive development and welcomes all scientists and engineers in action. It brings together leading scientists and engineers so they can be more attentive to the impacts their scientific knowledge can bring to our (global) society. Composed of both informative presentations and interactive activities, the session is designed to achieve this goal through knowledge sharing and collaborative work amongst participants with diverse backgrounds. Significance – By definition, the fundamental goal of appropriate technology is to make room for our future generations. This motivates us to reduce negative impacts and promote positive impacts on our global community in the practice of science and engineering. Reciprocally, harnessing the full potential of STI is an indispensable step forward for realising inclusive development. As local and global partnerships are of paramount importance in making our societies more inclusive, the session provides an interactive platform that boosts agency and collaboration across scientists, engineers, academics, practitioners, policymakers and many more for a better future.
  • MS. PARK, Mindy (Global Development Institute) [ 14:00 - 14:15 ]
    Title: Knowing the urban context – developing appropriate technologies for African cities
  • MS. SIM, Yaein (Sciences Po Bordeaux) [ 14:15 - 14:25 ]
    Title: Overview of European NGOs in Africa : Actors of development or dependency ?
  • DR. HWANG, Ji-hyun (SEB (Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken)/Folkuniversity Affiliated with Stockholm University) [ 14:25 - 14:45 ]
    Title: How to Manage Changes in the Era of Automation, Decentralisation, and Adoption of AI: With Real Cases in Sweden and Inspiration from Russian SF novel
  • After a 5-minute break, the panel discussion will start at 10:40 [ 14:50 - 15:40 ]
Date / Time 2024-07-31 16:20   --   18:00
Room OC0.03
Conveners / Chairs
MR. JEON, Hojin

LG ES Poland Wroclaw Automotive-battery Development department Leader

Introduction of LG Energy Solution 1. Why LG Energy Solution (30min, Kunhee Park - Talent acquisition team Leader) 1) Overview - LGES's History, Global Network 2) Organizational Culture - Career Development program, Career Path, Community Platform 3) Work Environment - Welfare, Office Amenities 2. R&D in LG Energy Solution (30min, Hojin Jeon - Poland Wroclaw Automotive-battery development department Leader) 1) LGES's R&D History 2) Introduction of LGES R&D center 3) Core Technologies of LGES R&D 3. Growth Story of LGES's researchers (30min, Hyuck Heo / Hyungtae Kim - Frontier research lab-Germany, Professional) 1) Empirical? Explainable? (Hyungtae Kim) 2) Curious Ensoler (Hyuck Heo) Speakers : Hojin Jeon (LG ES Poland Wroclaw Automotive-battery development department Leader) Kunhee Park (LG ES Talent acquisition team Leader) Hyuck Heo (LG ES Frontier research lab-Germany, Professional) Hyungtae Kim (LG ES Frontier research lab-Germany, Professional)